LintLifter is proud to offer LintAlert® systems to protect your home and finances.
- Are Your Clothes Very Hot After A Cycle?
- Experiencing Longer Dryer Times?
- Home Safety Concerns?
- Want Piece of Mind
- Looking To Increase Dryer Efficiency & Save money?
- Like To Prolong The Life Of Your Dryer & Clothes?
Always Know Your Dryer Is Safe & Efficient
The LintAlert® enhances your home safety plan by monitoring the dryer exhaust system for problems. As lint naturally builds up over time, LED indicators progressively illuminate to show how efficiently your dryer is operating. When airflow restriction becomes dangerous, an alarm is triggered.
LintAlert® Protection
The LintAlert® should be added as part of every home safety plan. As lint naturally builds up over time, Led Indicators progressively illuminate to show you how efficiently the dryer is exhausting. When airflow restriction becomes dangerous, an alarm is triggered.
Critical Home Safety Issue
Lint makes it past the filter and collects in every dryer’s exhaust system. The result is longer dryer times that waste energy and wear out clothes. Most importantly, exhasut problems also create a very real fire danger. Today, you can help save energy and live a safer life.